Friday, May 18, 2012

Pronoun (Correction)

·       Ali and him are going.
·       I don't know whom told you.
·       A: Who’s at the door?    B: It’s me.
·       Who does she love?
·       Hey do not talk to you and I nowadays.
·       Who did you meet on the way?
·       He’s older than me.
·       You are as good as him.
·       My experience is greater than your.
·         She cooks better than me.

·        Your’s obediently,
·        Our’s is an agricultural country.
·        We are more fortunate than they all.
·        Please let me do your work.
·        They will not sell our goods.
·        They were working for ourselves.
·        Bangladesh must defend his/your identity.
·        I forgot about the mistake whom you made yesterday.
·        They killed the snake who bit the baby.
·       Aslam, which lives in Lahore, is my best friend.
·        This is the house whose roof fell down yesterday.
·        Those of us who are depressed, must see our doctor soon.
·        Everyone should do their work properly.
·        Whoso come to meet us, show their riches.
·        If one is not happy, you should take a change.
·        One should always try for his future.
·        This is the best book which can teach you English.
·        Everyone should do their job.
·        No one should disturb them/her.
·        I will avail of this chance.
·        I cut and hurt.
·        We enjoyed at the party.
·        I have committed to work there.
·        He hid himself somewhere.
·        One of the problems with people are that they are not responsible.
·        Such people who criticize to pinch others, don't succeed.
·        He is glad to have such a nice man as me.
·        One of my friends are waiting there.
·        I am not one of those who steps back.
·        He is one of the most interesting people who has appeared on TV.
·        He’s not one of those who fears.
·        I, you and he go to mosque daily.
·        You and I beat him severely.
·        Which of you would have your share?
·        Both could not reach in time.
·        We all didn’t understand him.
·        Ali, who is the best speaker, he will get a position.
·        I want five books you can give me either one.
·        Aslam is his best friend who won the match yesterday.
·        Nobody thinks of you but I.
·        It’s me that is ready , not him.
·        It was them who was angry, not me.
·        If I were him, I would quit this.
·        This is me/him speaking.
·        This is between you and I.
·        Among we people, it is not done.
·        Of those who knew Shaan and he refused to go to his party.
·        He objected to me going there.
·        I appreciate you doing me a favor.
·        She twisted the ankle.
·        I bumped the head into the wall.
·        Asma burned the fingers while making bread.
·        Ali and Saima like one another.
·        Family members should love each other.


·       Ali and he are going.
·       I don't know who told you.
·       A: Who’s at the door?           B: It’s I.
·       Whom does she love?
·       They do not talk to you and me nowadays.
·       Whom did you meet on the way?
·       He’s older than I.
·       You are as good as he.
·       My experience is greater than yours.
·       She cooks better than I.
·       Yours obediently,
·       Ours is an agricultural country.
·        We are more fortunate than them all.
·        Please let me do my work.
·        They will not sell their goods.
·        They were working for themselves.
·        Bangladesh must defend her/its identity.
·        I forgot about the mistake which you made yesterday.
·        They killed the snake which bit the baby.
·        Aslamwho lives in Lahore, is my best friend.
·        This is the house the roof of which fell down yesterday.
·        Those of us, who are depressed, must see their doctor soon.
·        Everyone should do his or her work properly.
·        Whoso comes to meet us, shows his riches.
·        If one is not happy, one should take a change.
·        One should always try for one’s future.
·        This is the best book that can teach you English.
·        Everyone should do his job.           
·        No one should disturb him.
·        I will avail myself of this chance.
·        I cut and hurt myself.
·        We enjoyed ourselves at the party.
·        I have committed myself working there.
·        He hid somewhere.
·        One of the problems with people is that they are not responsible.
·        Such people as criticize to pinch others, don't succeed.
·        He is glad to have such a nice man like me.
·        One of my friends is waiting there.
·        I am not one of those who step back.
·        He is one of the most interesting people who have appeared on TV.
·        He’s not one of those who fear.
·        You, he and I go to mosque daily.
·        I and You beat him severely.
·        Which of you would have his/her/their share?
·        Neither of them could reach in time.
·        None of us could understand him.
·        Ali, who is the best speaker, will get a position.
·        I want five books you can give me any one (of them).
·        Aslam who won the match yesterday is his best friend.
·        Nobody thinks of you but me.
·        It’s I who am ready, not him.
·        It was they who were angry, not me.
·        If I were he, I would quit this.
·        This is I / he speaking.
·        This is between you and me.
·        Among us people, it is not done.
·        Of those who knew Shaan and he refused to go to his party.
·        He objected to my going there.
·        I appreciate your doing me a favor.
·        She twisted her ankle.
·        I bumped my head into the wall.
·        Asma burned her fingers while making bread.
·        Ali and Saima like each other.
·        Family members should love one another.

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