Friday, May 18, 2012

Noun (Correction)


·       She has many informations.
·       Poetries have their effects.
·       He gave me many advices.
·       The students had several works to do.
·       He broke a news to me.
·       A laughter is the best medicine.
·       His whereabouts are not known.
·       The cattle is walking after the shepherd.
·       There are only six deers in this jungle.
·       He caught only three fishes.

·        Linguistics are a very interesting subject.
·       Mathematics are very difficult.
·       He failed economics because he is not interested in them.
·        The police is coming.
·        How is your family?
·        The team is working out.
·        The majority of people in Bangladesh are poor.
·        What majority say, go here.
·       The majority of students has failed.
·        Majority have decided to boycott the elections.
·        Where is my pant?
·        The scissors is used for cutting cloth.
·        The contents of this book is interesting.


·       She has much information.
·       Poetry has its effects.
·       He gave me much advice.
·       The students had much work to do.
·       He broke a piece of news to me.
·       Laughter is the best medicine or  A laugh is the best...
·       His whereabouts is not known.
·       The cattle are walking the shepherd.
·       There are only six deer in this jungle.
·       He caught only three fish.
·        Linguistics is a very interesting subject.
·        Mathematics is very difficult.
·        He failed in economics because he is not interested in it.
·        The police are coming.
·        How are your family?
·        The team are working out.
·   The majority of people in Bangladesh are poor/ Most of the people in Bangladesh are poor.
·        What majority says goes here.
·        The majority of students have failed.
·        Majority has decided to boycott the elections.
·       Where are my pants?
·       The scissors are used for cutting cloth.
·       The contents of this book are interesting.

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