Friday, May 18, 2012

My Favorite Person

Every man has a favorite person in their personal life. The person may be well known or unknown to all. He/she may be alive or death. The person may have many qualities or many activities in his personal life. He may be religious or unreligious and may be a politician or a poet or a writer or a social leader or a nation maker etc. The life of the person may be more comfortable. Like others I have also a favorite person in my eye. He is not no more unknown person in our race. He is my youngest uncle who changes my life style and our race’s life style.

   The name of my favorite person is Mr. Abdur Rahman. The meaning of the name is kind. According to the meaning of his name he is really kind to all, especially to the poor and the brilliant students who are poor. He was born in a middle family in his native village which name is Kalikapur. He is the youngest son of his father among the ten children. His father who was a religious person and also respected person in the society but he is not alive now.

    Abdur Rahman continues his father’s all activities although he is absent in the earth. He always tries to spread the light of moral education among the people especially to the young generations. He is a person who never thinks about himself and he always thinks about others. For example:

   First he came to Dhaka city to get higher education and started studying. When he saw the condition of the students and realized that they are very faster than the students of the village. Then he decides to bring his all relatives to give them higher education and makes them the competitor and starts applying his plan. First, he brought his one nephew and starts teaching him according to his own curriculum. Then after six months he brought another two nephews and got admitted them into National Ideal School which is one of the most famous schools in the Dhaka city. When he understood he became more succeed then he took me in the Dhaka city at that time I had completed my H.S.C. and I was very confused because my parents were not agree to give me another chance to take higher education. They wanted to teach me normal degree from my native village but I did not agree to them and completed my study, start working in a workshop as a helper of a Mechanics’ in Dhaka city. At that time the condition of mine was so serious. When my uncle realized the matter he took me to his room from the workshop and started teaching again. At last I started changing my luck and still now I am continuing my study without making any hesitation. Still now he teaches me. Now we are nine students of him. We all are his nephews and niece. I like his, this types of mentality very much for this reason he is my favorite person. After my parents I like him very much and also respect him very much like my parents and teachers.  

   He is very responsible to his duty. When he gains any leisure time he passes him time by teaching us. If we gain brilliant result in the exam he gains much pleasure as our parents. He always tries to make us as skill full men and encourages, helps us very much. He dreams a nice dream among us and wants to make us as an asset of our country like Humayan Ahamed, Jafor Ikbal, Ahsan Habib, and Begum Rokeya.     
   The life of the person is not so luxurious and not so normal. Though he was born in a middle family but his life style is completely different from others. He likes to take delicious foods and always advises us to take delicious and qualified foods.

    He is an honest, religious and active person in our society. His honesty charms me most. He always advises us to be honest and active, help the poor, continue our social works and try to remove all devil works from our society and country. He never misbehaves with others even in the eve time of difficulty.

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