Friday, May 18, 2012

Problem of a Learner

A learner is a respected person in any society and country is well known to all but it is not known to all that several time he faces many problem in his daily life. The problem may be mental, physical, personal etc. These problems depend to his mentality and he does not mention the problem to others, as a result he gets much complexity in his every moment of life.

      Language Problem is the most important problem in his life. If he wants to use his local language in anywhere of the country he is unable to speak because he always thinks when he will use his local language everybody will follow him and gives him many commands. Even when he goes to his native village he is unable to use the appropriate language because the villagers do not understand his language so he feels confused to use any language.

   Different types of delicious foods which are contained in the open shops beside the roads. Though the learner wants to take these foods but he does not because he knows these foods are not healthy and which are harmful for health. So, he will miss to take the taste of these foods. But when other people will take these foods he will feel upset for missing the foods.

     He feels aloneness when he goes to the village because in the village the villagers are not so wise like him so they do not come to him and speak to him. They feel nervous to speak with him. He also does not find out his friend circle in the village because of illiteracy. So he does not pass his time with the villagers as a result he feels loneliness.

    When the learner wants to get married he is unable to gain his parallel person to get married so he starts finding his parallel person. As a result he losses he marriage age or at last he gains the girl who is not parallel to him. Thus the girl is unable to understand the person for her general education. So he does not recognize the girl as a wife.   

   On the way when he will make any journey he will miss the pleasurable sleeping. Because he will always think when he will sleep with deeply the sap may come out from his mouth and it may touch another person’s body who will sit down beside his position. As a result when he feels sleepy he never sleeps because he knows after sleeping the person has no sense but an illiterate person never think about it because he has no knowledge about it.

   When he wants to drink fresh water by a clear glass firstly he will look around of him especially to the front side because the scenery of taking water is so dangerous. When he takes fresh water by a glass all the parts of his mouth may be seen largely in the back side of the glass. So he will take the water by sitting and his one hand will keep the back of the glass to hide the scenery of his mouth but uneducated person never think about this and they never face this problem.   

   According to his own choice he is unable to do any work because starting any work he will think many things and will think the result of the work. Thus he will not capable to do any work but an educated person never thinks about this. For example, if a literate person wants to complete his natural works he is capable to complete his all natural works in any places even beside the roads but a learner is not proficient to complete these works. So, several times he faces many problems. 

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