Friday, May 18, 2012

How to Live to be Hundred

There is a proverb, “Health is wealth.” So, to be a healthy man or to live to be hundred we must follow some rules and regulations. These rules and regulation will help us to live to be hundred. In the bellow I describe about these rules and regulations.

1.    Taking exercise: To live to be hundred we must take physical exercise regularly in the morning.
Morning is the best time for physical exercise. We should at list one an hour spends for physical exercise. There are different types of physical exercise. Like as- someone likes to walk in the open field, someone likes to play football in the open field, someone likes to jump in the open air, someone likes to swim in the river. I think all these physical exercises are good for our health and these physical exercises will help us to be hundred.

2.    Cleaning our environment: Almighty Allah declared in the Holy Quran that, “Cleanness is a part of belief.” To be hundred we should always keep our environment neat and clean. We should keep our garbage in a particular place; keep our surrounding free from all rubbishes, clean our accommodation daily, keep our environment free from stink, at least try to swipe the city once daily and try to keep the environment free from smoke and all types of sound. Without cleanness we will not able to be hundred. So cleanness is obliged for all to be hundred.

3.  We should try to attend any types of sports in the afternoon: Any types of games such as cricket, football, hokey, basket ball, hand ball etc. are good exercise for our health. To be hundred we must take any types of game in the morning or afternoon. Afternoon is perfect time for playing any types of game. Without taking any types of exercise we will not able to be hundred.   

4.     Personal cleanness: There is proverb “cleanness is a part of believe.” We should clean our dress, cut our nails, brush our teeth, cut our hair accurate time, washes our face etc.   

5.   Avoid any types of harmful foods: Junk food means those foods which are harmful for our health. There are different types of junk food like- pickle, jam, jelly, potato crackers, pungent, ice-cream, fried pulse, cool drink, pungent, etc. These types of foods are very tasty to eat, but these foods are very harmful for our health and skin. So to be hundred we should avoid those junk foods.

6. Consciousness by themselves: Everybody should conscious about themselves. Without personal consciousness no body will able to be hundred. Everybody should eat properly, accurately and maintain all rules and regulations of health.

7.    Being active: There is a proverb, “A lazy brain is a workshop of devil.” If we do not do any work we will be lazy day by day. Thus our body will sick and mind will sick and if we pass our time accurately our body will strong and our mind will fresh. So, to be hundred we must active in our duty.

8. Controlling diet: We know that food is good for our health but over food is harmful for our body and mind. So, we must control our body to be hundred.

9. Taking fresh food and pure drinking water: We know that another name of fresh water is life. Fresh food and fresh food is good for our health. So, we should take fresh food and fresh water. If our water is unsafe we should boil the water accurately and if we are unable to boil the water we should use safety tablet to save the water. Every day we should buy fresh fish, fresh vegetable, fresh milk, fresh egg, and all types of daily goods.

10. Maintaining daily routines: We should make a daily routine and maintain our daily routine. The rule is the most important for all to be hundred.

11.  Take proper relax: Beside our activity we should take proper relax. It we do not take proper relax we will sick and our all parts of the body will loss their energy.  

12.   Take proper treatment: If we face any problem we should take proper treatment and remove our all problems which we fell. Advice a good doctor and test our whole body in a good clinic. Without proper treatment our body will not free from all dangerous dieses. 

    13. Consciousness of the prayers: Our maker almighty Allah bound us to pray five times daily. If we pray five times daily we must ablate five times daily as a result we our body and mind will free from all dieses.

   14. Avoid devil works: Devil works means all types of bad work. Devil works always bear bad effect for our body, health and mind. So, to be hundred we must avoid all devil works.

   15.  Early to rise early to bed: There is a proverb - Early to bed early to raise makes a man healthy and wise. So we must get up early in the morning.

   16.  Save our environment from smoke: Smoke is very dangerous for our body, health and mind. So we should keep our environment free from all types of pollution. We should avoid smoke.

   17.  Avoid over exercise: We know exercise is good for our health but over exercise is harmful for our health. Hart attack is the main reason for over exercise. So we should avoid over exercise. 

    18.  Following the rules of health: There are many rules and regulations to keep our body healthy and keep our mind fresh. We should follow these rules and apply these rules and regulations in our practical life to keep our body healthy and to be hundred.

   19. To get married at proper time: Allah obliges marriage for all human kind. So we should get marriage at proper time and apply proper use of our youth. 

   20.  Avoid tension: Any type of tension is bad for our body, mind and health. It makes our body, mind and health sick and weak. So we should avoid all tension. 

     21. Take proper education: Education is a backbone of a nation. It keeps the nation free from all types of ignore and dark. It is compared with light. So to be hundred there is no alternative without education.   

      22. Take proper sanitation system: Sanitation is an important part in our daily life. With out proper sanitation we will not able to keep our health free from all dieses. In this modern life if we look in the village there village people are unconscious in their sanitation. Still now they use open toilet. They do not know how harmful it for their health.  We should build up toilet among all houses in the village and make consciousness among them. After completing our toilet we must use soap and we must use shoe when we enter in the bathroom.

23.        Tree plantation:
24.        Recreation:
25.        Taking pure air:
26.        Proper residential facilities:
27.        Public consciousness of health:
28.        Not to take smoke:
29.        Removing property:
30.        Government and public awareness:
31.        Controlling pollution:
32.        Proper use of time: There is a proverb; ‘time and tide wait for none. 
33.        Proper use of our youth:

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