Bangladesh came into being in 1971 through
the war of independence with a vision to be a democratic, a non-communal and an
equitable society. After 15 years of parliamentary democracy, it is reasonable
to take stock of the country’s achievements so far, and more importantly of
what the country should accomplish in another 15 years. Furthermore, for the
generation which was 18 years of age at the time of independence in 1971,
next 15 years would mean approaching the completion of their working lives. It
will be natural to ask what the country will have achieved over the full
working life of a generation.
To prevent falling behind in the
global economic prosperity race and the subsequent disappointment of our future
generations, today’s citizens have chalked out a vision for Bangladesh - a
vision that encompasses their present aspirations for a better future and that
is based on the demonstrated tremendous energy and potential of the people to
fulfill those aspirations. This paper delineates such a comprehensive vision
for Bangladesh in 2021 when the country will celebrate 50 years of
The vision for Bangladesh in 2021 is
composed of eight goals:
Goal One: To be a true democracy
1. Democracy and legal supplies
2. Role of political parties
3. Role of public representatives
4. A strong and neutral Election
5. A neutral, merit based and
professionally oriented public administration
6. Human rights
7. Rule of law
8. Transparency and accountability at all
levels of national and local administration, with necessary institutional
9. Separation of the Judiciary and
the Executive
10. Judicial reforms especially in lower
11. Strong local government system with
resources and accountability
12. Compassionate welfare arrangements for
social protection of the vulnerable at all levels as stated in the
Goal Two: To
have a publicly accountable and transparent government
1. Fiscal discipline and Fiscal Responsibility
2. Budgetary reforms
3. Revenue administration and generation
of public savings
4. Implementation of Public Investment
Programme/ADP, and optimum use of foreign aid
5. Transparent procurement system
6. Access to information
7. E-governance
Monetary Policy
1. Independence of the Central Bank in
formulating monetary policy, and in administration of the financial sector
2. Coordination of fiscal and monetary
policy through an active and effective institutional arrangement to maintain a
healthy investment climate
Balance of Payments
1. Transparency regarding ‘management’ of
the exchange rate
2. Keeping the exchange rate competitive
globally and regionally
3. Policy regarding access to
international financial markets
3. Goal
Three: To be a middle-income country
1. Coordinated and complementary roles of
the public and private sectors in all areas of the economy
2. How has the existing arrangement, i.e.
the relative roles of the public and the private sectors, worked? Where it has
not, how to optimize the benefits for the economy and the society?
3. Poverty, income and employment
4. Agriculture
a. Land management,
b. Diversification of agriculture, agricultural research, extension and
c. Agricultural input supply, including irrigation
d. Issue of subsidy
e. Trade liberalization and agriculture
f. Food security and social safety nets
5. Rural infrastructure and rural non-farm
6. Industry
a. Domestic industry
b. Export oriented production
c. Physical infrastructure
d. Financial sector, financial infrastructure and capital markets
e. Role of multinational corporations, foreign private investment and level
playing field
f. Revival of the jute industry
g. Privatization of state-owned industries
Four: To be more balanced
a. Income inequality
b. Regional inequality
c. Gender inequality
d. Equality of opportunities irrespective
of religion or ethnicity
e. Equality of access to education and
health facilities
Five: To have skilled, creative and healthy people
1. Education
a. Universal scientific education
for all
b. Basic literacy, Primary,
Secondary and Higher education
c. Science and technology
d. Curricula of all
educational institutions & quality of education at all levels
e. Extra-curricular
activities at all levels of education
f. Public-private controversy
g. Gender balance at all
levels of education
h. Appropriate measures to
generate a large base of low skilled/semi-skilled workers; a supporting base of
vocationally trained labour force; and a growing pool of world-class
professionals trained in science and technology
Own Culture
Protection and promotion of
inclusive Bengalis cultural heritage
3. Health and Population
a. Primary health care
b. Promotion of sports and fitness for all
c. Disease control
d. Immunization
e. Safe water and sanitation
f. Population planning and reproductive
health system
g. Child and mother care
h. Nutrition
i. Quality of service delivery and
supervision at all levels of health and population planning
Goal Six: To offer
necessary infrastructure to be a regional hub
a. Roads and highways – rural, regional,
national, international
b. Railways
c. Inland water transport
d. Ports: sea and air transport
e. Telecommunications, internet, ICT
technology, and development of facilities for exporting services in this sector
2. Energy
a. Gas – exploration, development,
estimation of reserves, principles of pricing of gas
b. Electric power –
i. Stock-taking of generation, transmission and distribution
ii. The optimum and alternative ways of bringing a reasonable balance between
growth of demand, existing unprecedented shortfall in supply, and development
of short-term and medium term plans
iii. Principles of pricing of power
c. Private-public interface and
investments in the energy sector
Goal Seven: To
be environmentally sustainable
1. Maintenance of soil quality for a
sustainable agricultural system
2. Irrigation and protection of water
3. Forestation
4. Coastal area protection
5. Solid, air and water pollution
6. Urbanization, rural-urban migration,
infrastructure and utilities to cope with urbanization
7. Development of renewable energy
8. Disaster management
9. Tracking of climate change
Eight: To be effectively integrated in the regional and the global economy
1. Trade relations and negotiation of
trading arrangements
2. Regional cooperation: economic and
a. Strengthening of the SAARC – Prospects
b. Cooperation in the development of cross-country infrastructure such as
roads, railways, waterways, energy, and in the use of port facilities
c.Taking advantage of globalization and making Bangladesh a regional hub.
3. Transparent foreign policy and defense
policy objectives – emphasis on non-alignment, peacekeeping, and popular
aspirations for greater economic cooperation with neighbors in South Asia and
South-East Asia.
Futures vision of the health sector
The government has formulated
a perspective plan keeping in view the needs of the health sector for the
future. The formulation of a national health policy would provide strategy
directives on major health issues. The future vision for the health sector
would include universal access to basic healthcare and services of acceptable
quality; improvement in medical education; improvement in nutritional status,
particularly of mothers and children; prevention and control of major
communicable and non-communicable diseases; strengthening planning and
management capabilities; improvement in logistics of production/procurement,
supply and distribution of essential drugs, vaccines and other diagnostics and
therapeutic equipment; increase in overall life expectancy of the population;
survival and healthy development of children; the health and well being of
women; protection and preservation of the environment; disability reduction;
and the adoption and maintenance of healthy lifestyles.
The reach the
vision besides our government we should conscious and help the govt. to
complete her mission. If the government is able to build up digital Bangladesh
I hope we are able to find out a new nation and the nation we be free from all
the corruptions.
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