Friday, May 18, 2012


Creativity means when a person create something new like as, a product, a solution, a work of art, a novel, a joke, etc. it’s have a value and popularity in everywhere of the world. It’s a novel profession or hobby for every creative person. Creativity defined on man intelligence, creative activity, personality, mental- health, through education and training, technology etc.

Creativeness and creative acts are thus calculated across several disciplines - psychology, intellectual, science, education, philosophy, technology, theology, sociology, linguistics, business studies, and economics.
Accordingly, there are a mass of definitions and methods.

Creativity helps us to enlarge our knowledge & outlook & we will creative by these. Creativity defined on your mind & power of your expression.

Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. (Page 396)

In order to be creative, you need to be able to view things in new ways or from a different perspective. Among other things, you need to be able to generate new possibilities or new alternatives. Tests of creativity measure not only the number of alternatives that people can generate but the uniqueness of those alternatives. the ability to generate alternatives or to see things uniquely does not occur by change; it is linked to other, more fundamental qualities of thinking, such as flexibility, tolerance of ambiguity or unpredictability, and the enjoyment of things heretofore unknown. (Page 394)

From Creativity- Beyond the Myth of Genius, by Robert W. Weisberg.
..."creative" refers to novel products of value, as in "The airplane was a creative invention." "Creative" also refers to the person who produces the work, as in, ?Picasso was creative." "Creativity," then refers both to the capacity to produce such works, as in "How can we foster our employees' creativity?" and to the activity of generating such products, as in "Creativity requires hard work." (page 4)

All who study creativity agree that for something to be creative, it is not enough for it to be novel: it must have value, or be appropriate to the cognitive demands of the situation." 

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