A memorable event is very common thing in
any life. The event may be pleasant, may be enjoyable, may be tragic, and may
be sorrowful. Someone memorizes any tragic moment, someone memorizes any
enjoyable moment, someone memorizes any happy moment someone memorizes any
sadness moment. Like others I have also a memorable event in my life it is a
journey to Cox’s Bazar.
Journey is always pleasure to
all. A successful and happy life cannot be imagined without making any journey
during holidays. Therefore, with a view to making life successful and fruitful
one should make any journey during one’s holiday.
A journey means to go or
visit one place to another place alone or with groups. There are different
types of journey all over the world. Such as; Bus journey, train journey, plane
journey, boat journey and rickshaw journey. Different types of people like
different journey. Someone likes to make a journey by boat, someone likes to
make a journey by bus, someone likes to make a journey by train, and someone likes
to make a journey by plane. I also like these journeys but among them I like
journey by bus very much.
During the last vacation
I gained an opportunity to attend a journey that arranged from our university.
It was the last movement of March. We had completed our Mid-Term exam. After
completing our Mid-Term examination we got a short vacation. On that vacation
our university arranged a picnic. They selected the Cox’s Bazar for the picnic
spot. Cox’s Bazar is very far from Dhaka city. So we went there by bus. More
than 200 students and 20 teachers attended the journey or the picnic. It was 1st long
journey by bus in my life. We rented 5 buses to go there. From our batch my
friends Hasib, Sofiq, Sumon, Miraz, Hassan, Jahid, Sakil and I went to the
Cox’s Bazar.
Cox’s Bazar is very
far from Dhaka so; we started our journey at 7 o’clock from our main campus
premises. We went our main campus before 6:30 am. Then we took a small rest in
our hall room. All of us took their essential elements. I also took my
essential elements. I took a small breakfast and a bottle pure drinking water.
We got on the bus in time. The scenery of the day was very fine. So, there was
no problem to make our journey.
7 am the buses started their journey. I sat down beside the window. I was
the leader of our class. So our teacher Mr. Sabbir Ahamed gave many packets of
breakfast to give the packets among my friends. After sometimes I provided the
packets among my friends in the bus. Then they started eating at last I also
started eating breakfast with them. On the way we enjoyed very much. Some of us
were singing, some were clapping, some were dancing, some were reading, and
some were sleeping. I also shared with them. I sang a song which charmed all
much. When the buses were running at the Cox’s Bazar I saw different sceneries
on the way. I saw the green fields, high hills, small and big rivers, canals,
different types of small and tall trees etc. I saw farmers were working their
fields, small boys and girls were playing besides the road, boys were playing
in the fields. When the buses running towards the Cox’s Bazar I thought trees,
houses, green fields and other things were coming towards us.
The day was Friday. So
at the time of zumua’s prayer the buses were stopped besides a large Mosque. We
got down from the buses and washed our face. Then we entered in the Mosque and
completed our prayer and took a small rest. The Mosque was decorated nicely. I
was very pleased to see the Mosque. After sometimes we started our journey
again. It was sunny noon, the weather was very hot and we were very tired. At
2:30 pm we reached at Chittagong city. As it was Friday, so the roads were free
from traffic jam. When we crossed the city our buses were stopped again to eat
our lunch. Our buses were stopped beside of a restaurant. Then we got down from
the buses and entered in the restaurant. At that time we were very hungry and
also tired. My friends and I sat down on a table. At first we washed our face
and then we started our lunch. The foods item of the restaurant were vary
delicious. So we ate our lunch deliciously. After completing our lunch we
took a small rest and after sometimes later we got on the buses. Then our buses
started their journey again. At 7 o’clock we reached the Cox’s Bazar. It was a
moon lit night and everything looked very nice to us. At night we stayed in a
hotel. The hotel was ten stored building. We stayed on the 4th floor.
The decoration of the house was very beautiful. My friend Jahid, Sakil, Helal,
Habib and I stayed in a large room. That night we were very happy and excited.
At 10 o’clock we ate our supper in our hotel. The whole night we passed our
time by gossiping. The night I could not sleep.
The next morning we woke
up early in the morning and we went to the beach. Our hotel was situated near
the beach. So we went there on foot. We went to the beach to see the scenery of
the sun rises. The scenery of the sun rises was very charming and very
enjoyable. We enjoyed the scenery very much. At that time different types of
people crowded there to see the scenery of the sun rises. After sometimes we
started walking. About one an hour we walked the beach of the sea. Sometimes we
were walking and sometimes we were running. After completing our walking we took
a small rest. Then we bought a football and arranged a friendly football match
between the students and teachers of English Department and other department’s
students and teachers. After sometimes we started playing. Our teacher Mr.
Sabbir Ahamed, Basir Ahamed, Mokles Mohsen, Mahbub Alam and Siddiquer Rahman
also played with us. In our team I was the goal keeper. We won the match. After
completing our match we went to a restaurant to eat our breakfast. Sometimes
later we started eating our breakfast. The foods item of the restaurant was
very tasty and delicious. In our breakfast we ate different types of foods and
left the restaurant.
Our hotel was
situated beside a high hill. At 9 o’clock we went to the up of the hill. At
first I was afraid and I felt very nervous. When my friends and teachers
started walking I followed them and started walking with them. I caught my
friend hasib’s hand to remove my frightened. He encouraged me much to remove my
frightened and nervous. The roads were very long and narrow. After 10 minutes
later we reached up on the hill. At that time it was sunny and the weather was
very hot. So we were very tired. I looked all sides of that hill. I saw many
things. On the away the village houses looked very small but these houses looked
very beautiful.
The people of the hill
were hard worker. After sometimes my friends and I went to a large vegetable
garden up on the hill. We saw a young boy like us working in the
garden. We introduced with the boy. The boy was friendly and
cordial to us. I asked his condition and we also told him our condition. When
he knew about are ours he was pleased to us. After sometimes later he took us
to his house and introduced us to his parents. His house was situated beside
his garden. His parents were also very cordial to us. They gave us different
types of food, cake and fruits. The foods were delicious so, we ate them
deliciously. After sometimes later we came back to the beach from their house.
At 2 o’clock we took
our bath. About an hour we were swimming in the sea. After completing our bath
we came back to our hotel and ate our lunch. Then we took a small rest. At 5 pm
my friends and I went to the beach to see the sun set. The bus was crowded by
the people. We collected many photos of my friends and mine. We also collected
many photos of the scenery of the beach. We were eagerly waited to see the
scenery of sun set but we were unable to see the sun set of that day, because
the sky was clouded and the sun was covered with black cloud. So we felt
very upset.
In the evening our
authority arranged a cultural program at Cox’s Bazar cultural club. Different
types of singers and actors were invited in the program. We enjoyed the program
very much. The auditorium was decorated by different colors of light. When the
singer started singing and dancing, everybody started dancing with them and
some started singing with their tone. I congratulated them by clapping. Our
coordinator Mr. Sabbir Ahammad maintained the program. Our teachers and
students also sang different types of song at the stage. My best friend Hasib
sang two English songs that attracted us very much. There was also a
competition among all students in the program. At last our teachers gave the
prizes among all students who achieved the 1st, 2nd and
3rd position in the competition. I gained a prize in the
program. I gained the second position in the competition. My friends
congratulated and encouraged me much. At 10:30 pm our program was completed and
we came back to our hotel. At that time we were very hungry and I was very
tired. So, we ate our dinner and after completing our dinner we went to sleep.
At that night I slept a sound sleep. Next morning I woke up late but my friends
woke up very early in the morning. After some time later my friends came back
to our room from the beach. Then we ate our breakfast.
At 9 o’clock my friends
Sakil, Jahid, Helal, and I went to the Barmiz market to buy many things. The
market was very far from our hotel so, we went there by rickshaw. As we were
four friends so we hired two rickshaws for going there. About 30 minutes later
we reached the market. There were different types of shops in the market.
Different types of people were there. They came here from different places to
buy their choice able things. So, the market was crowded. I bought a pair shoe,
a shirt, a Panjabi, a T-shirt, a jins for me. I also bought different types of
junk foods such as soclate, different types of cake, biscuits, pickle etc. Then
I bought a shirt for my elder brother, a Panjabi for my father, a sari for my
mother, a dress for my younger sister and some toys for my nephew and nice. My
friends also bought many things. Those things were chosen by us. At that time I
my friend Jahid introduced to a girl who was a student of my previous
college. I also introduced with her and I told her about my situation.
About two an hour we spent our enjoyable time with her. She visited there with
her college friends. After completing our shopping we came back to the hotel
and kept our all thing in our room.
We went
again at the sea beach and we took our bath in the sea. Some time we enjoyed a
small journey by boat in the beach. When we went to the beach I found one of my
college friends. When I was a student of Ramgong Model College he was my best
friend. When I saw him I was astonished and happy. He also pleased for getting
me at that place. He visited there with his parents and his relatives. His
relatives lived there beside the beach. At that time his parents were beside
him. They were pleased to see me at that place. Rahim introduced me with his
relatives. At that time I felt very happy. At last his parents and his
relatives invited me to their residence and they gave to me the address of
their residence. So, I gained another opportunity to visit another place. At
last I was bound to go their residence. In the afternoon I prepared to go there
residence. As there residence was very far from our house so, I hired a Taxi
cab to go there. When I went there residence they were pleases to see me but I
felt a little nervous because, his all relatives were unknown to me and a new
place is new experience for all. Long time I stayed there. I passed my time by
gossiping. But at that time my friend Hasib phoned me and told they started
their journey back to Dhaka without me because of my late come. When I heard
the news I felt very worried and upset and started thinking how I will come
back to Dhaka because I had not enough money and my money bag was to my friend
Hasib. I told the matter to my friend Rahim then he told the matter to his
parents. After hearing the matter they encouraged me and they also told me not
to think. That night I stayed with their. At night the relatives of Rahim
arranged a short function for us. They arranged different types of food and we
ate our supper at 10 o’clock with great pleasure. At night I slept with my
friend. I could not sleep. Whole night we gossiped. Next morning they fed us
breakfast. Then I took taka 1000 from my friend and I started my journey back
to Dhaka. At 6 o’clock I reached Dhaka.
Really the journey was
very long and very enjoyable in my life. These days and these events were
really memorable days and moments in my life. I cannot forget the journey. When
I remember the journey and the events it gives me much pleasure.
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