Friday, May 18, 2012

Adjective (more Correction)


·     One of my friends studies Linguistics, another (friend) learns languages and the another (friend) is jobless these days.
·   There are three major places of interest in Dhaka City: One is the museum, another is the zoo and the another is the fort and the mosque.
·       One problem is English and other is Mathematics.
·       Some people are poor, others are mediocre and the others are rich.
·       He’s going to the gate the tenth.
·  Look up this word in volume third of the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.

·       You are so careless as you don't do any work.
·       English is too/very easy that any one can learn it.
·       She is so intelligent girl that every one begin to like her.
·       They are such a good people that every one loves them.
·       It is a so nice advice that you gave me.
·       He is very/so young to go abroad.
·       I am too pleased to see you.
·       Tea is too hot for drink.
·       He is too busy nowadays.
·       She was very annoyed/ hurt/surprised/frightened/ injured yesterday.
·       He is very richer than I.
·       That guy is really interested.
·       The letter has reached the concerning authorities.
·       I am much surprising by your remarks.
·       Flowers smell sweetly.
·       The tea tastes well.
·       Don't feel badly about these petty things.
·       She seems happily today.
·       She seemed real sad.
·       His house is further from yours.
·       Aslam is our mutual friend.
·       I have sent verbal messages to all of them.
·       It’s not difficult to get passing marks in BA.
·       We should help the poors and the needies.
·       My all hopes were dashed to the ground.
·       The baby cried in pain whole the night.
·       The whole Lahore roared with happiness.
·       This is a worth enjoying place.
·       He is enough brave to do that.
·       She wanted the both apples.
·       We are at seven page.
·       I have never met so a good teacher.
·       She is not a coward woman.
·       You are not a miser man.
·       She is braver than any girl in the class.
·       This is the last technology.
·       I came to the class latter than he.
·       Ali and Aslam are friends. I don't like the later/last.
·       We watched three movies. The latter was the best.
·       Ali was the latest man to come to the party.
·       You are very hard worker.
·       I have no any friends here.
·       My younger brother is in class sixth.


·       One of my friends studies Linguistics, another (friend) learns languages and the other(friend) is jobless these days.
·     There are three major places of interest in Dhaka City: One is the museum, another is the zoo and the other is the fort and the mosque.
·       One problem is English and the other is Mathematics.
·       Some people are poor, the others are mediocre and the rest are rich.
·       He’s going to the tenth gate/the gate ten.
·     Look up this word in the third volume /volume two of the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.
·       You are so careless that you don't do any work.
·       English is so easy that anyone can learn it.
·   She is such an intelligent girl that everyone begins to like her/ She is so intelligent a girl that everyone begin to like her.
·       They are such good people that everyone loves them.
·       It is such nice advice that you gave me.
·       He is too young to go abroad.
·       I am very pleased to see you.
·       Tea is too hot to drink.
·       He is very busy nowadays.
·       She was much annoyed/ hurt/ surprised/frightened/ injured yesterday.
·       He is much/far richer than I.
·       That guy is really interesting.
·       The letter has reached the concerned authorities.
·       I am much surprised by your remarks.
·       Flowers smell sweet.
·       The tea tastes good.
·       Don't feel bad about these petty things.
·       She seems happy today.
·       She seemed really sad.
·       His house is farther than yours.
·       Aslam is our common friend.
·       I have sent oral messages to all of them.
·       It’s not difficult to get pass marks in BA.
·       We should help the poor and the needy.
·       All my hopes were dashed to the ground.
·       The baby cried in pain the whole night.
·       The whole of Lahore roared with happiness.
·       This is a place worth enjoying.
·       He is brave enough to do that.
·       She wanted both the apples.
·       We are at page seven.
·       I have never met such a good teacher.
·       She is not a cowardly woman/She is not cowardly.
·       You are not a miserly man/ You are not a miser.
·       She is braver than any other girl in the class.
·       This is the latest technology.
·       I came to the class later thanhe.
·       Ali and Aslam are friends. I don't like the latter.
·       We watched three movies. The last (one) was the best.
·       Ali was the last man to come to the party.
·       You are very hardworking.
·       I have no friends here.
·       My younger brother is in class sixin the sixth class.

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